Muscle Constraint Properties Vellum SOP
Creates and modifies the muscle Vellum constraints for the input solid muscle geometry in preparation for the muscle solver.
See also
The Muscle Constraint Properties Vellum SOP supports Muscle to Muscle sliding with the Slide Rate and Relative Slide Rate parameters.
Improvements to the Muscle Constraint Properties Vellum SOP Visualizer button bar to sync with the parameters tab folders.
Muscle Constraint Properties Vellum SOP now has an option in the Muscles to Muscles candidates to restrict which muscles can connect to a list of specified muscles.
Specify how much your muscle ends are allowed to move towards their bones with the new Compression Stiffness parameter. This also influences how rigidly muscle ends are held to their bones.
Preserve the initialization connection orientation of your muscles ends to their bones with the new Tangent Stiffness parameter.